New social housing lettings


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1. Main facts and figures

  • in 2015/16 there were 355,898 new social housing lettings in England

  • around 79% of new social housing went to White British households

  • of all the ethnic groups, White Gypsy or Irish Traveller households had the fewest new social housing lettings

  • Asian households were under-represented in new social housing lettings – particularly Indian and Pakistani households

  • Black households were over-represented in new social housing lettings – particularly Black African and Black Caribbean households

Things you need to know

These figures are based on the Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in Social Housing (CORE). CORE is a complete census of new social housing lettings.

Tenants can refuse to give information on their ethnicity. The data used here excludes any records where ethnicity was refused or where information was missing. This means that figures for new lettings may be different from other published figures on social housing.

Social housing is provided by local authorities and private registered providers (mainly housing associations).

Household income used in these figures does not take account of the size or membership of households, which means that we can’t make statements about whether some ethnic groups are poorer compared to others.

For example, two households may have the same number of people, but in one household there are several dependent children, while in the other, everyone is employed. In this data, the amount of rent as a percentage of household income has not been adjusted to reflect these differences.

The figures come from the Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in Social Housing (CORE) in 2015/16, which records:

  • social housing lettings
  • affordable housing lettings
  • sales by private registered landlords

The CORE data used here relates to new, permanent general lettings of social housing. New lettings include households new to social housing as well as households moving within the social housing sector if they are let a new tenancy.

The data uses the ethnicity of the main tenant. For a single tenancy, this is the named tenant.

For a joint tenancy, the main tenant is:

  • the economically active or working person
  • the oldest person, if both tenants are working or both are not working

There may be some inaccuracy in the administrative data used to compile these statistics due to missing responses or reporting errors when the data was entered.

What the data measures

This data measures access to social housing using the number of new social housing lettings in England in 2015/16, broken down by ethnic group.

Social housing is let to tenants by local authorities or private registered providers (mainly housing associations).

The information relates to residential households who were let social housing in the financial year April 2015 to March 2016. A household is one person or a group of people (not necessarily related) who have the accommodation as their only or main residence. If it is a group, they must share cooking facilities and also share a living room, sitting room or dining area.

To provide additional context, the percentage of new social housing lettings by ethnic group has been compared with population estimates (2015) published by ONS. You can see these population estimates if you download the data.

The ethnic categories used in this data

For comparisons made at national and regional levels, this data uses the standardised ethnic groups based on the 2011 Census:


  • English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
  • Irish
  • Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller
  • Any other White background

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups:

  • White and Black Caribbean
  • White and Black African
  • White and Asian
  • Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background

Asian/Asian British:

  • Indian
  • Pakistani
  • Bangladeshi
  • Chinese
  • Any other Asian background

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British:

  • African
  • Caribbean
  • Any other Black/African/Caribbean background

Other ethnic group:

  • Arab
  • Any other ethnic group

For data analysed both by ethnicity and by local authority, the following 2 categories have been used:

  • White – White ethnic groups (including White British and White ethnic minorities)
  • Other – all other ethnic minorities

This is because the number of people surveyed to generate estimates for the population as a whole becomes too small to be reliable when broken down both by ethnicity (in either detailed or broad categories) and by another factor like local authority.

2. New social housing lettings by ethnicity

Percentage and number of new social housing lettings, compared with the overall population by ethnicity
Ethnicity % Social housing lettings Population (2015 estimate)
Asian 4.5 15,938 8.1
Bangladeshi 0.9 3,332 0.9
Chinese 0.2 630 0.7
Indian 0.8 2,686 2.7
Pakistani 1.4 5,051 2.2
Asian other 1.2 4,239 1.6
Black 7.2 25,801 3.7
Black African 3.8 13,492 2.0
Black Caribbean 2.5 8,987 1.1
Black other 0.9 3,322 0.6
Mixed 3.0 10,648 2.6
Mixed White/Asian 0.4 1,272 0.7
Mixed White/Black African 0.5 1,754 0.4
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 1.4 5,098 0.9
Mixed other 0.7 2,524 0.6
White 83.6 297,383 84.6
White British 78.7 280,045 78.8
White Irish 0.6 2,041 0.9
White Gypsy/Traveller 0.1 357 0.1
White other 4.2 14,940 4.7
Other 1.7 6,128 1.1
Arab 0.5 1,744 0.4
Any other 1.2 4,384 0.6

Download table data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity’ (CSV) Source data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity’ (CSV)

Summary of New social housing lettings New social housing lettings by ethnicity Summary

This data shows that:

  • there were 355,898 new social housing lettings in 2015/16

  • out of the specific ethnic groups, White British households had the most new social housing lettings, with around 280,000 (or 78.7% of all new lettings) – for context, White British households accounted for 78.8% of the population of England

  • White Gypsy or Irish Traveller households had the least new social housing lettings, with 357 lettings (or 0.1% of all new lettings) – for context, White Gypsy or Irish Traveller households accounted for 0.1% of the population of England

  • Asian households were underrepresented in new social housing lettings – Indian and Pakistani households had 0.8% and 1.4% of new social housing lettings respectively, while they accounted for 2.7% and 2.2% respectively of the population of England

  • Black households were overrepresented in new social housing lettings – Black African and Black Caribbean ethnic groups, which had 3.8% and 2.5% of new social housing lettings respectively, while they accounted for 2.0% and 1.1% respectively of the population of England

3. New social housing lettings by ethnicity and income

Percentage and number of new social housing lettings by ethnicity and weekly household income
Less than £100 £100 to £199 £200 to £299 £300 to £399 £400 to £499 £500 to £599 £600 and above
Ethnicity Less than £100 % Less than £100 Social housing lettings £100 to £199 % £100 to £199 Social housing lettings £200 to £299 % £200 to £299 Social housing lettings £300 to £399 % £300 to £399 Social housing lettings £400 to £499 % £400 to £499 Social housing lettings £500 to £599 % £500 to £599 Social housing lettings £600 and above % £600 and above Social housing lettings
Asian 24.7 2,318 24.8 2,330 21.3 2,001 14.4 1,354 8.3 775 3.9 370 2.6 243
Bangladeshi 15.8 269 24.5 417 22.9 390 18.4 313 10.5 178 4.9 83 3.0 51
Chinese 15.8 51 33.2 108 28.3 92 10.7 35 8.2 27 2.5 8 1.3 4
Indian 25.4 415 27.1 444 20.0 326 13.8 226 7.9 129 2.9 48 2.8 46
Pakistani 26.6 854 22.1 710 21.3 682 15.2 487 8.8 284 3.8 122 2.2 69
Asian other 28.9 729 25.8 651 20.2 511 11.6 293 6.2 157 4.3 109 2.9 72
Black 28.9 4,428 23.1 3,544 18.7 2,872 14.1 2,159 7.9 1,214 3.9 592 3.4 519
Black African 27.4 2,265 20.6 1,700 18.7 1,544 15.3 1,266 9.4 776 4.6 382 4.0 329
Black Caribbean 32.5 1,727 26.0 1,383 18.6 988 12.1 641 5.7 302 2.9 153 2.3 124
Black other 24.9 436 26.4 461 19.4 340 14.4 252 7.8 136 3.3 57 3.8 66
Mixed 31.4 1,978 25.7 1,621 19.9 1,254 11.7 738 6.0 379 3.0 190 2.4 149
Mixed White/Asian 33.4 264 26.5 210 18.9 150 9.0 72 7.1 56 2.7 21 2.3 18
Mixed White/Black African 26.5 274 25.7 266 19.3 199 13.8 143 7.0 73 3.9 41 3.7 39
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 35.9 1,106 26.8 825 18.5 569 10.3 317 4.9 150 2.1 65 1.6 49
Mixed other 23.8 334 22.8 320 23.9 336 14.7 206 7.1 100 4.5 63 3.1 43
White 21.5 35,155 27.8 45,585 22.6 37,043 13.5 22,172 7.3 11,925 4.2 6,868 3.1 5,083
White British 22.1 33,993 28.5 43,791 22.5 34,658 13.2 20,238 6.9 10,669 3.9 5,972 2.9 4,529
White Irish 25.4 283 33.7 375 20.1 224 10.9 121 5.1 57 2.4 26 2.4 27
White Gypsy/Traveller 26.8 54 28.8 58 22.7 45 10.4 21 7.7 15 2.0 4 1.5 3
White other 9.5 825 15.7 1,361 24.4 2,116 20.7 1,792 13.7 1,184 10.0 866 6.0 524
Other 34.7 1,271 24.9 910 17.4 635 11.0 401 6.9 251 3.4 125 1.8 65
Arab 40.4 426 22.8 240 16.2 171 9.7 102 6.3 67 3.1 33 1.5 16
Any other 32.5 845 25.7 670 17.8 464 11.5 299 7.1 184 3.5 92 1.9 49

Download table data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and income’ (CSV) Source data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and income’ (CSV)

Summary of New social housing lettings New social housing lettings by ethnicity and income Summary

This data shows that:

  • the ethnic groups with the highest percentage of households earning less than £200 per week were Arab, and Mixed White and Black Caribbean, at 63.2% and 62.7% respectively

  • the ethnic groups with the lowest percentage of households earning less than £200 per week were Other White, at 25.2%

  • 16.0% of households from the Other White ethnic group earned more than £500 per week, the highest percentage for any ethnic group within this income bracket

  • 3.5% of Gypsy/Irish Traveller households earned more than £500 per week, the lowest percentage for any ethnic group within this income bracket

  • 40.4% of households from the Arab ethnic group earned less than £100 per week, the highest percentage for any ethnic group within this income bracket

4. New social housing lettings by ethnicity and area

Percentage of new social housing lettings by ethnicity and area
Ethnicity North East North West Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West
% % % % % % % % %
Asian 1.5 3.0 4.3 3.4 6.2 2.8 12.2 3.4 1.2
Bangladeshi 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 4.8 0.4 0.2
Chinese 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1
Indian 0.1 0.4 0.4 1.4 1.3 0.5 1.8 0.5 0.2
Pakistani 0.3 1.3 2.2 0.9 2.9 0.8 1.8 1.2 0.2
Asian other 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.1 0.7 3.3 1.1 0.4
Black 1.5 3.8 4.2 3.8 8.8 3.8 29.3 3.6 2.7
Black African 1.2 2.5 2.7 2.0 4.1 2.0 14.1 2.2 1.3
Black Caribbean 0.1 0.8 1.0 1.3 4.0 1.3 11.4 0.9 0.8
Black other 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.5 3.7 0.5 0.6
Mixed 0.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 4.3 2.9 6.7 2.4 2.0
Mixed White/Asian 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.3
Mixed White/Black African 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.2
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 0.1 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.6 1.3 3.2 1.0 1.0
Mixed other 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.8 0.7 0.5
White 95.1 89.7 86.9 88.8 78.8 89.6 47.8 89.8 93.4
White British 93.4 85.2 82.4 84.1 74.1 84.2 38.7 85.5 89.9
White Irish 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.5 1.6 0.5 0.4
White Gypsy/Traveller 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
White other 1.5 3.9 4.2 4.2 3.9 4.8 7.4 3.7 3.0
Other 1.0 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.0 0.9 4.0 0.9 0.7
Arab 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.1
Any other 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.3 0.7 2.9 0.7 0.5

Download table data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and area’ (CSV) Source data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and area’ (CSV)

Summary of New social housing lettings New social housing lettings by ethnicity and area Summary

This data shows that:

  • in all areas of England, compared to latest population estimates Black households were over-represented in new social housing lettings, and Asian households were under-represented

  • in London, Black Caribbean households were over-represented in new social housing lettings (they accounted for 11.3% of new lettings, compared with 4.1% of the population), as were Black African households (14.2% of lettings, compared with 7.3% of the population)

  • in London, White British households were under-represented in new social housing lettings (they accounted for 38.4% of new lettings, compared with 43.8% of the population), as were Other White households (7.5% of lettings, compared with 12.7% of the population) and Asian Indian households (1.8% of lettings, compared with 6.6% of the population)

5. New social housing lettings by ethnicity and local authority

Percentage of new social housing lettings by ethnicity and local authority, compared with the overall population by ethnicity and local authority
White Other
Local authority White % White Social housing lettings White Population estimate (2015) Other % Other Social housing lettings Other Population estimate (2015)
Hartlepool 98.1 1,318 97.5 1.9 26 2.5
Middlesbrough 91.9 1,834 87.3 8.1 162 12.7
Redcar and Cleveland 97.7 1,738 98.4 2.3 41 1.6
Stockton-on-Tees 94.0 1,463 94.2 6.0 94 5.8
Darlington 96.7 1,083 96.0 3.2 36 4.0
Halton 98.0 1,457 97.7 2.0 30 2.3
Warrington 92.7 1,329 95.6 7.3 104 4.4
Blackburn with Darwen 85.4 1,317 67.8 14.6 226 32.2
Blackpool 97.9 1,025 96.4 2.1 22 3.6
Kingston upon Hull, City of 93.6 3,804 93.7 6.4 262 6.3
East Riding of Yorkshire 99.0 1,344 97.9 1.0 14 2.1
North East Lincolnshire 98.5 1,591 97.2 1.5 24 2.8
North Lincolnshire 97.4 1,370 95.7 2.6 36 4.3
York 96.0 906 94.0 4.0 38 6.0
Derby 79.9 1,720 79.2 20.1 432 20.8
Leicester 62.1 1,608 49.3 37.9 983 50.7
Rutland 94.7 161 97.1 5.3 9 2.9
Nottingham 71.6 2,655 69.9 28.4 1,052 30.1
Herefordshire, County of 98.7 947 98.1 1.3 12 1.9
Telford and Wrekin 95.0 1,320 92.3 5.0 70 7.7
Stoke-on-Trent 86.2 3,023 87.8 13.8 483 12.2
Bath and North East Somerset 94.6 989 94.4 5.4 57 5.6
Bristol, City of 76.6 2,875 82.7 23.4 877 17.3
North Somerset 95.1 940 97.1 4.9 48 2.9
South Gloucestershire 92.3 971 94.5 7.7 81 5.5
Plymouth 94.5 1,895 96.0 5.5 111 4.0
Torbay 97.5 741 97.3 2.5 19 2.7
Bournemouth 92.3 776 91.4 7.8 66 8.6
Poole 97.9 458 95.6 2.4 11 4.4
Swindon 89.2 1,460 89.3 10.8 176 10.7
Peterborough 85.0 1,336 81.6 15.0 236 18.4
Luton 57.8 671 52.7 42.2 490 47.3
Southend-on-Sea 91.9 733 91.1 8.0 64 8.9
Thurrock 86.9 839 84.9 13.1 126 15.1
Medway 91.5 1,279 89.2 8.6 120 10.8
Bracknell Forest 92.5 516 90.1 7.5 42 9.9
West Berkshire 94.8 797 94.5 5.2 44 5.5
Reading 71.9 559 73.4 28.1 218 26.6
Slough 51.4 385 44.5 48.6 364 55.5
Windsor and Maidenhead 84.8 407 85.4 15.2 73 14.6
Wokingham 84.5 240 87.6 15.5 44 12.4
Milton Keynes 74.6 942 78.8 25.4 320 21.2
Brighton and Hove 88.7 1,222 88.3 11.3 155 11.7
Portsmouth 89.9 1,340 87.8 10.1 151 12.2
Southampton 88.2 1,964 85.3 11.8 263 14.7
Isle of Wight 99.3 689 97.2 0.7 5 2.8
County Durham 98.9 5,367 98.1 1.1 60 1.9
Cheshire East 96.3 2,423 96.5 3.7 93 3.5
Cheshire West and Chester 98.0 2,412 97.2 2.0 48 2.8
Shropshire 97.8 1,894 97.9 2.3 44 2.1
Cornwall 98.2 2,764 98.1 1.7 49 1.9
Isles of Scilly 100.0 9 98.1 0.0 0 1.9
Wiltshire 93.9 2,339 96.4 6.1 152 3.6
Bedford 74.7 864 79.4 25.3 292 20.6
Central Bedfordshire 91.1 1,022 93.4 8.9 100 6.6
Northumberland 98.7 2,964 98.3 1.3 38 1.7
Aylesbury Vale 80.9 888 88.7 19.1 209 11.3
Chiltern 82.3 247 90.8 17.7 53 9.2
South Buckinghamshire 91.1 133 83.4 8.9 13 16.6
Wycombe 77.7 530 80.2 22.3 152 19.8
Cambridge 81.2 810 81.4 18.8 187 18.6
East Cambridgeshire 94.2 503 96.0 5.8 31 4.0
Fenland 96.2 530 97.2 3.8 21 2.8
Huntingdonshire 93.6 729 94.5 6.4 50 5.5
South Cambridgeshire 93.8 578 92.7 6.2 38 7.3
Allerdale 99.3 946 98.9 0.7 7 1.1
Barrow-in-Furness 97.8 401 98.3 2.0 8 1.7
Carlisle 98.2 854 98.0 1.8 16 2.0
Copeland 99.5 578 98.4 0.5 3 1.6
Eden 99.2 367 98.9 0.8 3 1.1
South Lakeland 97.9 518 98.3 2.1 11 1.7
Amber Valley 97.4 854 98.0 2.6 23 2.0
Bolsover 97.7 561 98.0 2.4 14 2.0
Chesterfield 97.7 1,177 96.3 2.3 28 3.7
Derbyshire Dales 98.1 362 98.5 1.9 7 1.5
Erewash 96.0 655 96.9 4.0 27 3.1
High Peak 98.3 463 97.8 1.7 8 2.2
North East Derbyshire 98.2 769 97.9 1.8 14 2.1
South Derbyshire 95.5 466 95.5 4.5 22 4.5
East Devon 99.1 575 98.2 0.9 5 1.8
Exeter 95.3 855 92.9 4.7 42 7.1
Mid Devon 99.1 341 98.6 0.9 3 1.4
North Devon 98.6 416 97.8 1.4 6 2.2
South Hampshire 98.9 279 98.2 1.1 3 1.8
Teignbridge 99.2 468 98.2 0.8 4 1.8
Torridge 97.6 245 98.6 2.4 6 1.4
West Devon 97.9 191 98.4 2.1 4 1.6
Christchurch 97.1 132 97.3 2.9 4 2.7
East Dorset 97.6 245 98.0 2.4 6 2.0
North Dorset 97.2 348 97.5 2.8 10 2.5
Purbeck withheld to protect confidentiality 195 98.4 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 1.6
West Dorset 97.9 570 97.9 2.1 12 2.1
Weymouth and Portland 98.5 262 97.3 1.5 4 2.7
Eastbourne 96.2 426 93.7 3.8 17 6.3
Hastings 94.8 589 93.4 5.2 32 6.6
Lewes 96.9 311 96.4 3.1 10 3.6
Rother 96.8 269 96.9 3.2 9 3.1
Wealden 97.2 489 97.4 2.8 14 2.6
Basildon 94.1 1,062 92.1 5.9 67 7.9
Braintree 96.6 774 96.4 3.4 27 3.6
Brentwood 92.8 233 93.1 7.2 18 6.9
Castle Point 97.8 135 96.7 2.2 3 3.3
Chelmsford 92.8 604 93.5 7.2 47 6.5
Colchester 91.2 942 91.6 8.7 90 8.4
Epping Forest 88.9 392 90.0 11.1 49 10.0
Harlow 89.7 660 88.5 10.3 76 11.5
Maldon 98.4 247 98.0 1.6 4 2.0
Rochford withheld to protect confidentiality 196 97.0 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 3.0
Tendring 97.4 416 97.4 2.6 11 2.6
Uttlesford 95.0 345 96.4 5.0 18 3.6
Cheltenham 95.5 696 93.9 4.5 33 6.1
Cotswold 97.2 450 97.6 2.8 13 2.4
Forest of Dean 99.0 512 98.3 1.0 5 1.7
Gloucester 88.2 870 88.6 11.8 116 11.4
Stroud 96.5 553 97.8 3.5 20 2.2
Tewkesbury 95.1 442 97.2 4.9 23 2.8
Basingstoke and Deane 94.8 901 92.4 5.2 49 7.6
East Hampshire 94.6 435 96.4 5.4 25 3.6
Eastleigh 95.5 381 94.3 4.5 18 5.7
Fareham 97.2 516 96.5 2.6 14 3.5
Gosport 97.2 558 96.1 2.8 16 3.9
Hart 96.3 335 94.5 3.7 13 5.5
Havant 96.7 683 96.9 3.1 22 3.1
New Forest 98.8 413 97.4 1.2 5 2.6
Rushmoor 89.4 336 84.5 10.6 40 15.5
Test Valley 94.8 652 95.6 5.2 36 4.4
Winchester 95.9 654 95.5 4.1 28 4.5
Broxbourne 86.8 354 89.7 13.2 54 10.3
Dacorum 90.5 891 90.1 9.6 94 9.9
Hertsmere 84.3 467 84.3 15.7 87 15.7
North Hertfordshire 88.4 593 89.0 11.6 78 11.0
Three Rivers 90.9 289 85.6 9.1 29 14.4
Watford 77.1 424 70.5 22.9 126 29.5
Ashford 93.3 641 93.4 6.6 45 6.6
Canterbury 94.5 670 93.0 5.5 39 7.0
Dartford 88.3 338 86.6 11.5 44 13.4
Dover 97.5 585 96.5 2.5 15 3.5
Gravesham 87.6 360 81.9 12.4 51 18.1
Maidstone 89.8 798 93.7 10.2 91 6.3
Sevenoaks 95.4 433 95.5 4.6 21 4.5
Shepway 93.9 449 94.5 6.1 29 5.5
Swale 96.4 532 96.3 3.6 20 3.7
Thanet 94.1 586 95.3 5.9 37 4.7
Tonbridge and Malling 97.5 575 95.7 2.5 15 4.3
Tunbridge Wells 93.9 705 94.7 6.1 46 5.3
Burnley 91.3 929 86.4 8.7 89 13.6
Chorley 97.3 779 96.7 2.7 22 3.3
Fylde 98.5 258 97.3 1.5 4 2.7
Hyndburn 97.0 643 86.9 3.0 20 13.1
Lancaster 98.1 1,041 95.5 1.9 20 4.5
Pendle 93.3 588 78.6 6.7 42 21.4
Preston 92.2 1,330 79.2 7.8 113 20.8
Ribble Valley 98.9 259 97.8 1.1 3 2.2
Rossendale 98.1 525 93.2 1.9 10 6.8
South Ribble 97.5 658 96.9 2.5 17 3.1
West Lancashire 98.5 905 98.1 1.5 14 1.9
Wyre 96.9 436 98.1 3.1 14 1.9
Blaby 94.3 394 90.4 5.7 24 9.6
Charnwood 90.4 831 86.9 9.5 87 13.1
Harborough 95.8 323 95.0 4.2 14 5.0
Hinckley and Bosworth 96.7 444 96.2 3.3 15 3.8
Melton 98.0 301 97.8 2.0 6 2.2
North West Leicestershire 97.3 679 97.4 2.7 19 2.6
Oadby and Wigston 92.6 113 71.7 7.4 9 28.3
Boston 98.0 443 96.6 2.0 9 3.4
East Lindsey 98.7 971 98.4 1.3 13 1.6
Lincoln 97.7 1,196 95.4 2.4 29 4.6
North Kesteven 98.9 363 98.1 1.1 4 1.9
South Holland 98.6 420 97.7 1.4 6 2.3
South Kesteven 97.1 780 97.4 3.0 24 2.6
West Lindsey 98.3 567 98.1 1.7 10 1.9
Breckland 96.3 628 97.3 3.7 24 2.7
Broadland 95.8 366 97.5 4.2 16 2.5
Great Yarmouth 96.6 603 96.6 3.4 21 3.4
King's Lynn and West Norfolk 97.9 885 97.0 2.1 19 3.0
North Norfolk 98.4 379 98.6 1.6 6 1.4
Norwich 90.5 1,480 90.3 9.5 155 9.7
South Norfolk 98.0 529 97.3 2.0 11 2.7
Corby 96.0 577 95.3 4.0 24 4.7
Daventry 95.9 373 96.4 4.1 16 3.6
East Northamptonshire 96.7 469 96.5 3.3 16 3.5
Kettering 94.0 612 93.5 6.0 39 6.5
Northampton 81.3 1,234 83.8 18.7 283 16.2
South Northamptonshire 96.9 280 96.7 3.1 9 3.3
Wellingborough 84.9 405 86.8 15.1 72 13.2
Craven 98.3 290 97.2 1.7 5 2.8
Hambleton 98.4 552 98.1 1.6 9 1.9
Harrogate 96.3 651 96.2 3.8 26 3.8
Richmondshire 98.9 275 95.0 1.1 3 5.0
Ryedale 99.0 311 98.6 1.0 3 1.4
Scarborough 98.0 819 97.2 2.0 17 2.8
Selby 97.9 373 98.2 2.1 8 1.8
Ashfield 98.3 876 97.5 1.7 15 2.5
Bassetlaw 96.8 797 97.2 3.2 26 2.8
Broxtowe 94.1 590 92.2 5.7 36 7.8
Gedling 93.9 550 92.5 6.1 36 7.5
Mansfield 97.5 1,065 97.0 2.5 27 3.0
Newark and Sherwood 97.2 705 97.3 2.8 20 2.7
Rushcliffe 90.9 290 92.6 9.1 29 7.4
Cherwell 88.3 596 91.7 11.7 79 8.3
Oxford 73.2 674 75.8 26.8 247 24.2
South Oxfordshire 95.7 508 95.8 4.3 23 4.2
Vale of White Horse 91.4 708 94.4 8.6 67 5.6
West Oxfordshire 97.5 436 96.6 2.5 11 3.4
Mendip 97.9 612 97.9 2.1 13 2.1
Sedgemoor 98.0 636 98.3 1.8 12 1.7
South Somerset 98.8 1,199 97.9 1.2 15 2.1
Taunton Deane 97.0 1,059 97.1 3.0 33 2.9
West Somerset withheld to protect confidentiality 207 98.6 withheld to protect confidentiality withheld to protect confidentiality 1.4
Cannock Chase 98.6 625 97.6 1.4 9 2.4
East Staffordshire 91.6 631 89.5 8.4 58 10.5
Lichfield 97.1 496 96.6 2.9 15 3.4
Newcastle-under-Lyme 96.0 905 94.8 4.0 38 5.2
South Staffordshire 95.7 550 95.6 4.3 25 4.4
Stafford 96.1 1,184 94.7 3.9 48 5.3
Staffordshire Moorlands 97.3 397 98.6 2.7 11 1.4
Tamworth 98.0 402 97.2 2.0 8 2.8
Babergh 96.9 400 97.7 3.4 14 2.3
Forest Heath 96.6 309 91.4 3.4 11 8.6
Ipswich 83.4 1,165 88.3 16.6 232 11.7
Mid Suffolk 98.1 417 97.7 1.9 8 2.3
St Edmundsbury 96.6 777 95.9 3.4 27 4.1
Suffolk Coastal 96.2 581 96.3 3.8 23 3.7
Waveney 97.5 695 97.5 2.5 18 2.5
Elmbridge 89.0 276 89.8 11.0 34 10.2
Epsom and Ewell 82.9 107 85.2 17.1 22 14.8
Guildford 94.8 623 90.4 5.3 35 9.6
Mole Valley 96.1 348 94.7 3.9 14 5.3
Reigate and Banstead 85.3 463 90.0 14.7 80 10.0
Runnymede 87.4 341 88.6 12.3 48 11.4
Spelthorne 87.4 326 86.4 12.6 47 13.6
Surrey Heath 85.5 195 89.7 14.5 33 10.3
Tandridge 90.8 208 93.5 9.2 21 6.5
Waverley 94.0 392 95.9 6.2 26 4.1
Woking 80.6 304 82.7 19.4 73 17.3
North Warwickshire 95.8 274 97.8 3.8 11 2.2
Nuneaton and Bedworth 95.0 928 90.9 5.0 49 9.1
Rugby 91.5 444 90.1 8.5 41 9.9
Stratford-on-Avon 98.1 604 97.2 1.9 12 2.8
Warwick 91.9 758 88.6 8.0 66 11.4
Adur 90.9 199 95.5 9.1 20 4.5
Arun 97.1 537 96.8 3.1 17 3.2
Chichester 95.1 616 96.7 4.9 32 3.3
Crawley 76.1 452 78.8 23.9 142 21.2
Horsham 94.6 564 95.7 5.4 32 4.3
Mid Sussex 94.1 434 94.7 5.9 27 5.3
Worthing 88.8 318 93.3 11.2 40 6.7
Bromsgrove 95.6 474 95.5 4.4 22 4.5
Malvern Hills 97.9 368 97.6 2.1 8 2.4
Redditch 92.4 800 91.5 7.6 66 8.5
Worcester 93.4 906 93.0 6.6 64 7.0
Wychavon 98.5 647 97.7 1.5 10 2.3
Wyre Forest 97.3 617 97.1 2.7 17 2.9
St Albans 79.1 427 87.7 20.9 113 12.3
Welwyn Hatfield 87.3 647 83.5 12.7 94 16.5
East Hertfordshire 92.6 547 95.3 7.4 44 4.7
Stevenage 93.1 349 87.1 6.9 26 12.9
Bolton 86.3 2,550 80.8 13.7 406 19.2
Bury 89.0 1,226 88.4 11.0 151 11.6
Manchester 64.3 3,377 64.7 35.7 1,873 35.3
Oldham 81.7 1,515 75.8 18.3 339 24.2
Rochdale 83.9 2,269 80.6 16.1 437 19.4
Salford 82.7 2,399 89.4 17.3 501 10.6
Stockport 92.9 1,536 91.6 7.1 118 8.4
Tameside 88.7 2,169 90.3 11.3 275 9.7
Trafford 85.2 1,057 84.7 14.8 183 15.3
Wigan 95.9 2,786 97.1 4.1 120 2.9
Knowsley 98.6 1,513 97.0 1.4 21 3.0
Liverpool 83.7 4,940 88.3 16.3 963 11.7
St. Helens 98.3 2,184 97.9 1.7 37 2.1
Sefton 96.9 1,943 97.2 3.1 63 2.8
Wirral 97.5 3,223 96.8 2.5 84 3.2
Barnsley 95.0 1,983 97.7 5.0 105 2.3
Doncaster 94.5 2,594 94.9 5.5 151 5.1
Rotherham 94.6 2,793 93.1 5.4 159 6.9
Sheffield 76.8 6,038 82.6 23.2 1,821 17.4
Newcastle upon Tyne 83.4 3,546 84.7 16.6 707 15.3
North Tyneside 97.1 1,916 96.4 2.9 58 3.6
South Tyneside 96.8 2,217 95.7 3.2 74 4.3
Sunderland 97.4 3,489 95.6 2.6 94 4.4
Birmingham 55.2 6,232 56.0 44.8 5,065 44.0
Coventry 75.1 2,175 72.6 24.9 720 27.4
Dudley 84.4 2,291 89.3 15.6 425 10.7
Sandwell 72.2 2,541 68.5 27.8 976 31.5
Solihull 90.7 1,009 88.5 9.4 104 11.5
Walsall 80.4 2,425 77.7 19.6 592 22.3
Wolverhampton 68.4 2,231 66.7 31.6 1,033 33.3
Bradford 80.0 3,723 65.9 20.0 929 34.1
Calderdale 93.2 1,663 88.9 6.8 122 11.1
Kirklees 71.5 1,977 78.0 28.5 788 22.0
Leeds 76.9 6,528 84.1 23.1 1,960 15.9
Wakefield 95.3 2,826 95.1 4.7 138 4.9
Gateshead 94.3 2,559 96.0 5.7 155 4.0
City of London 49.2 31 62.6 50.8 32 37.4
Barking and Dagenham 57.6 573 55.8 42.5 422 44.2
Barnet 53.4 445 63.2 46.5 388 36.8
Bexley 71.0 573 80.7 29.0 234 19.3
Brent 28.2 367 35.5 71.8 934 64.5
Bromley 70.6 882 83.3 29.4 367 16.7
Camden 54.2 930 64.5 45.8 787 35.5
Croydon 40.4 799 53.6 59.6 1,178 46.4
Ealing 36.1 502 48.1 63.9 890 51.9
Enfield 45.5 549 59.6 54.5 657 40.4
Greenwich 53.0 1,086 61.0 47.0 963 39.0
Hackney 47.6 1,180 54.3 52.4 1,299 45.7
Hammersmith and Fulham 46.4 700 66.6 53.6 810 33.4
Haringey 45.1 458 59.9 54.9 557 40.1
Harrow 41.8 203 40.8 58.2 283 59.2
Havering 81.8 864 86.6 18.3 193 13.4
Hillingdon 59.8 804 58.7 40.2 541 41.3
Hounslow 46.6 493 50.4 53.4 566 49.6
Islington 49.5 926 66.1 50.6 946 33.9
Kensington and Chelsea 44.7 450 69.7 55.3 556 30.3
Kingston upon Thames 69.0 300 73.5 31.3 136 26.5
Lambeth 36.3 899 56.0 63.7 1,580 44.0
Lewisham 37.8 693 52.2 62.2 1,141 47.8
Merton 52.9 361 64.2 47.1 321 35.8
Newham 30.2 374 28.0 69.8 864 72.0
Redbridge 45.4 283 40.5 54.5 340 59.5
Richmond upon Thames 76.1 453 85.3 23.9 142 14.7
Southwark 39.0 1,036 52.8 61.0 1,620 47.2
Sutton 76.3 617 77.7 23.7 192 22.3
Tower Hamlets 29.8 897 43.1 70.2 2,114 56.9
Waltham Forest 36.8 624 51.0 63.2 1,072 49.0
Wandsworth 48.4 730 70.4 51.6 779 29.6
Westminster 63.8 1,809 60.4 36.2 1,028 39.6

Download table data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV) Source data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and local authority’ (CSV)

Summary of New social housing lettings New social housing lettings by ethnicity and local authority Summary

This data shows that:

  • most local authorities (306 out of 326) provided a higher number of social housing lettings to White households than to households from other ethnic groups

  • all local authorities that let more social housing to ethnic minority households than White households were in London

  • the 10 local authorities with the largest over-representation of social housing for White households were all outside London

  • the 10 local authorities with the largest under-representation of social housing for White households were all within London

6. New social housing lettings by ethnicity and age group

Percentage of new social housing lettings by ethnicity and age group
Ethnicity 16 - 17 yrs old 18 - 24 yrs old 25 - 29 yrs old 30 - 39 yrs old 40 - 49 yrs old 50 - 59 yrs old 60 - 69 yrs old 70 - 79 yrs old 80 + yrs old
% % % % % % % % %
Asian 1.2 13.4 15.6 33.6 18.9 7.9 5.5 2.5 1.3
Bangladeshi 0.7 13.2 18.4 37.0 18.7 6.6 3.0 1.6 0.8
Chinese 0.6 5.9 10.0 27.7 21.7 11.3 12.9 3.6 6.2
Indian 0.9 9.6 13.4 28.7 19.5 12.0 9.0 4.6 2.3
Pakistani 1.8 16.0 18.5 35.7 16.3 5.6 3.6 1.7 0.8
Asian other 1.2 13.9 12.1 32.6 21.4 8.6 6.3 2.9 1.0
Black 1.3 17.1 15.3 28.0 19.9 11.3 3.7 2.2 1.1
Black African 1.1 15.2 15.9 31.2 22.4 9.2 3.4 1.4 0.3
Black Caribbean 1.8 19.7 14.4 23.4 15.8 14.1 4.4 3.8 2.5
Black other 1.2 17.6 15.3 27.6 21.0 11.9 3.2 1.5 0.8
Mixed 3.8 28.2 18.2 25.1 12.8 7.1 2.7 1.5 0.6
Mixed White/Asian 3.6 25.4 15.8 28.9 13.5 7.6 3.4 1.5 0.3
Mixed White/Black African 2.0 19.5 15.8 27.3 17.4 9.1 4.4 3.2 1.2
Mixed White/Black Caribbean 4.7 36.1 20.3 20.9 9.5 5.6 1.5 0.9 0.6
Mixed other 3.2 19.9 16.8 29.9 16.0 8.4 3.7 1.6 0.5
White 1.9 20.3 13.5 18.6 14.0 12.1 9.8 5.6 4.2
White British 1.9 20.9 13.4 17.6 13.7 12.2 10.0 5.8 4.4
White Irish 1.2 11.1 7.4 16.4 16.3 15.2 15.0 11.4 6.1
White Gypsy/Traveller 3.9 24.9 13.0 23.5 15.9 12.5 3.2 2.0 1.1
White other 1.0 9.6 14.9 36.6 18.8 10.7 5.6 1.6 1.1
Other 1.6 14.6 15.1 31.6 19.6 9.5 4.5 2.5 0.9
Arab 1.4 13.7 15.4 32.7 19.8 9.8 4.6 1.8 0.8
Any other 1.6 15.0 15.0 31.2 19.5 9.4 4.5 2.7 1.0

Download table data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and age group’ (CSV) Source data for ‘New social housing lettings by ethnicity and age group’ (CSV)

Summary of New social housing lettings New social housing lettings by ethnicity and age group Summary

This data shows that:

  • the Mixed White and Black Caribbean ethnic group had the highest percentage of new lettings to the youngest households – 40.8% of lettings within that ethnic group went to those aged 16 to 25 years

  • the Chinese ethnic group had the highest percentage of new lettings to the oldest households – 6.2% of lettings within that ethnic group went to those aged 80 or older

7. Methodology

The three main types of housing tenure in England are:

  • owner occupiers
  • private renters
  • social renters

This data refers to new lettings to social renters only. The data is based on the data collected from providers via the on-line Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in Social Housing in England (CORE) system. CORE was first set up in 1989 and initially only required private registered providers (PRPs) to submit social housing lettings and sales information to support the government’s regulatory function. CORE’s remit expanded in 2004 to include local authority information.

Some questions on the CORE questionnaire are not compulsory. In particular, data on household characteristics (age, sex, economic status, ethnicity and nationality) may not be available to the housing officer or may be refused by the tenant.

The totals for new lettings used in this data differs from other published totals for new lettings, as this data does not use estimated data for ethnicity and excludes those where ethnicity was refused.

Information on lettings of social housing in England is provided by local authorities and private registered providers (previously known as housing associations). Information about the tenancy, the tenants and the property is collected by data providers each time there is a new letting of a social housing property.


Weighting is used to adjust the results of a survey to make them representative of the population and improve their accuracy.

For example, a survey which contains 25% females and 75% males will not accurately reflect the views of the general population which we know is around 50% male and 50% female.

Data here has been weighted at the national level, but not at the regional or local authority area level. Weights are calculated for groups of similar local authorities, where these groups are defined by the Office of National Statistics UK area classifications, and they are based on the comparison with data from another Department for Communities and Local Government source on social housing data (Local Authority Housing Statistics).

For further information on weighting, see the Quality Report (PDF opens in a new window or tab) (PDF).

Suppression rules and disclosure control

Values of 1 or 2 have been suppressed, mainly to avoid possible risk of disclosure. This is consistent with the way the confidentiality of data within the Continuous Recording (CORE) system is maintained. The Continuous Recording (CORE) system records information anonymously and maintains absolute confidentiality on tenants’ circumstances. Access to record-level information is only available through a licence agreement.

Further information on CORE disclosure practices can be found on the CORE website (PDF opens in a new window or tab) (PDF).


Percentages have been rounded to 1 decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not add up to 100%.

Related publications

Social housing lettings in England: April 2015 to March 2016 (revised 30 March 2017)

Quality and methodology information

8. Data sources


Type of data

Administrative data

Type of statistic

National Statistics


Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

The aim of Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in Social Housing in England (CORE) is to provide information about new social housing lettings, sales, tenants and buyers across England.

This national information is used by government bodies and organisations to inform social housing funding, regulatory and housing policy decisions.

9. Download the data

New Social Housing Lettings - Spreadsheet (csv) 261 KB

This file contains the following: ethnicity, income, geography, age, value, numerator, population estimate