Ethnicity facts and figures
Government data about the UK's different ethnic groups.
82% of people in England and Wales are white, and 18% belong to a black, Asian, mixed or other ethnic group (2021 Census data).
Find information about the experiences and outcomes of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
Data by topic
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Deaths and other disparities, risk factors, economic and educational impacts
Crime, justice and the law
Policing, crimes, courts, sentencing, prisons and custody
Culture and community
Arts, digital, museums, libraries, volunteering, transport, local area and neighbourhoods
Education, skills and training
Schools, exclusions, further and higher education, apprenticeships after education
Physical and mental health, preventing illness, quality of care, patient experiences and outcomes
Home ownership, renting, social housing, homelessness and housing conditions
UK population
Population statistics and Census data, also analysed by age, location and other factors
Work, pay and benefits
Employment, unemployment, pay and income, and benefits
Workforce and business
Ethnic diversity in public services, staff experience and pay, self-employment and business
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