Corrections to published data

Working age population

Version: 2.1
21 May 2024
Figures for the working age population in Wales and England were transposed in the Main facts and figures section. This has been corrected.

Stop and search

Version: 7.1
10 April 2024
The summary of the analysis by Vomfell and Stewart incorrectly stated their findings.

Civil Service pay

Version: 3.1
12 April 2023
Changed area covered to UK and Overseas. Changed text that said 'out of all regions, the biggest average annual pay difference between ethnic groups was in London' to now say: 'across all UK regions, the largest difference between different ethnic groups was in London'

Employment by occupation

Version: 3.2
9 November 2020
The data source has been corrected to the Annual Population Survey

Employment by sector

Version: 3.2
9 November 2020
Data source corrected to Annual Population Survey

Victims of crime

Version: 4.2
23 September 2020
Figures for the Asian Other group in 2018/19 have been corrected from 9% with a sample size of 62, to 16% with a sample size of 381

Civil Service workforce

Version: 3.1
27 July 2020
Corrected the duplicated data rows in the download file for the Unknown ethnicity for all grades

People born outside the UK

Version: 1.1
19 March 2020
Bullet points referring to the increased percentage of the population born in Poland now correctly refer to the non-UK born population.

Proven reoffending

Version: 2.1
9 March 2020
Time period in commentary for first chart and table corrected


Version: 3.2
5 March 2020
In section 1, point 6, the years have been corrected to 2004 and 2018, instead of 2004 and 2008.


Version: 3.3
10 February 2020
In the previous version, arrest rates for the Mixed and Other ethnic groups had been worked out using incorrect population estimates. All estimates and commentary now use the correct figures from the latest available data, including revised numbers of arrests for all groups. The data download has also been corrected

Economic inactivity

Version: 3.1
23 January 2020
In the sections ‘By ethnicity over time’, ‘By ethnicity over time (16 to 24 year olds only)’ and ‘By ethnicity and area’ the commentary has been updated. A data download file with data broken down by ethnicity and disability has also been added.


Version: 3.1
5 December 2019
In the section 'By ethnicity and age', the final bullet point said that, among 50 to 64 year olds, 77% of White people and 65% of those from ethnic minorities were employed. The correct figures are 72% and 69% respectively. In the 'Main facts and figures' section, the final bullet point has been updated to say the lowest rates of employment were generally found in 'the North of England and Scotland'. (It previously said 'the North'.) An additional data download file has been added, with data broken down by ethnicity and disability.


Version: 3.1
5 December 2019
In the section 'By ethnicity and area', the chart and table data, and corresponding commentary, has been updated. A data download file with data broken down by ethnicity and disability has also been added.

Pupil progress between 11 and 16 years old (‘Progress 8’)

Version: 3.1
22 November 2019
The commentary said that '107 pupils in the Chinese ethnic group were eligible for free school meals in 2017/18' but the correct figure was 97 pupils.

Statutory homelessness

Version: 2.3
4 October 2019
Changed download file description to correctly represent the variables available in the second download.

Armed forces workforce

Version: 4.3
12 June 2019
Time series charts presented the data incorrectly


Version: 2.3
7 June 2019
Corrected the measure label in the download files to read 'unemployed'. No changes made to the figures.

GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4)

Version: 2.3
2 May 2019
The percentage symbol (%) removed from figure 1 as the figure presents scores and not percentages

GCSE results (‘Attainment 8’) for children aged 14 to 16 (key stage 4)

Version: 2.2
16 April 2019
Estimates for a number of ethnic groups in tables 2, 4 and 5 and the download file were incorrectly aligned. The estimates have now been aligned with the correct ethnic group.

Socioeconomic status

Version: 1.1
6 March 2019
Corrected the first bullet point in the section 'Ethnic groups by socio-economic status of men’. From: 'the biggest difference was in the Mixed White and Black African group, where 16% of men and 3% of women were in such occupations’. To: 'the biggest difference was in the Indian group, where 27% of men and 13% of women were in such occupations'

Destinations of school pupils after key stage 4 (usually aged 16 years)

Version: 1.2
9 February 2018
further and more comparable commentary for Gypsy/Roma added

Destinations of students after key stage 5 (usually aged 18 years)

Version: 1.2
9 February 2018
further and more comparable commentary for Gypsy/Roma added


Version: 1.2
11 October 2017
Correction on regional figures for employment gap