Fire and rescue services workforce


1. Main facts and figures

  • in 2022, 94.4% of all fire and rescue staff in England were white (out of those whose ethnicity was known)
  • for comparison, 80.7% of working age people in England (aged 16 to 64 years) were white at the time of the 2021 Census
  • from 2011 to 2022, the total number of fire and rescue staff went down from 54,261 to 44,350
  • from 2011 to 2022, the percentage of firefighters who were white went down from 96.5% to 95.0%
  • from 2011 to 2022, the percentage of firefighters from mixed ethnic group went up from 1.2% to 2.3% and for Asian ethnic group from 0.5% to 0.7%

2. Things you need to know

What the data measures

The data shows the number and percentage of people working in fire and rescue services in England, by ethnicity. It is a headcount of all full-time and part-time staff employed on 31 March 2022.

People whose ethnicity is not known are included in the figures for ‘All’.

Percentages are rounded to 1 decimal place. They are worked out using unrounded numbers. For this reason, some totals in the charts and tables may not add up to 100%.

The ethnic groups used in the data

Data is shown for the 5 ethnic groups used in the 2001 Census.

Percentages are based on staff whose ethnicity was known. Ethnicity was not known for 8.7% of staff in 2022.


Read the detailed methodology document for the data on this page.

‘On-call’ firefighters (also known as ‘retained’ firefighters) may have more than one contract of employment. In this case, they are counted more than once in the workforce statistics.

Population data is from the 2021 Census. Read more about how we use Census data and some of the problems involved.

3. By ethnicity and type of role

Percentage and number of fire and rescue service staff, by ethnicity and type of role
Fire Control Firefighters Support Staff Total Staff
Ethnicity Fire Control % Fire Control Number Firefighters % Firefighters Number Support Staff % Support Staff Number Total Staff % Total Staff Number
All 100.0 1,157 100.0 34,960 100.0 8,233 100.0 44,350
Asian 0.4 4 0.7 231 3.1 237 1.2 472
Black 0.8 8 1.4 451 2.8 214 1.7 673
Mixed 2.0 21 2.3 721 1.7 127 2.1 869
White 96.7 997 95.0 30,271 91.6 6,972 94.4 38,240
Other including Chinese 0.1 1 0.6 179 0.8 64 0.6 244
Unknown NA 126 NA 3,107 NA 619 NA 3,852

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Summary of Fire and rescue services workforce By ethnicity and type of role Summary

The percentages in this section are based on fire and rescue staff whose ethnicity was known.

The data shows that, in 2022:

  • 94.4% of all fire and rescue staff in England were white
  • 95.0% of all firefighters were white
  • firefighters from mixed ethnic backgrounds made up 2.3% of all firefighters – the second largest ethnic group out of all groups
  • at the time of the 2021 Census, 80.7% of working age people (aged 16 to 64) in England were white, 10.1% were from the Asian ethnic group, 4.4% were black, and 2.5% were from mixed ethnic backgrounds
  • 8.4% of support staff were from the combined Asian, black, mixed, and ‘other’ (including Chinese) ethnic groups – the highest percentage of staff from these groups out of all types of role

4. By ethnicity and type of role over time

Percentage and number of people in the fire and rescue service workforce, by ethnicity and role over time (2011 and 2022)
Fire Control Firefighters Support Staff Total Staff
Ethnicity Fire Control % (2011) Fire Control Number (2011) Fire Control % (2022) Fire Control Number (2022) Firefighters % (2011) Firefighters Number (2011) Firefighters % (2022) Firefighters Number (2022) Support Staff % (2011) Support Staff Number (2011) Support Staff % (2022) Support Staff Number (2022) Total Staff % (2011) Total Staff Number (2011) Total Staff % (2022) Total Staff Number (2022)
All 100.0 1,556 100.0 1,157 100.0 43,357 100.0 34,960 100.0 9,348 100.0 8,233 100.0 54,261 100.0 44,350
Asian 0.3 5 0.4 4 0.5 212 0.7 231 2.6 224 3.1 237 0.9 441 1.2 472
Black 0.6 8 0.8 8 1.3 519 1.4 451 2.5 215 2.8 214 1.5 742 1.7 673
Mixed 1.2 17 2.0 21 1.2 473 2.3 721 0.9 82 1.7 127 1.2 572 2.1 869
White 97.7 1,407 96.7 997 96.5 38,063 95.0 30,271 93.3 8,143 91.6 6,972 96.0 47,613 94.4 38,240
Other including Chinese 0.2 3 0.1 1 0.4 174 0.6 179 0.7 60 0.8 64 0.5 237 0.6 244
Unknown NA 116 NA 126 NA 3,916 NA 3,107 NA 624 NA 619 NA 4,656 NA 3,852

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Summary of Fire and rescue services workforce By ethnicity and type of role over time Summary

The data shows that, between 2011 and 2022:

  • the total number of fire and rescue staff went down from 54,261 to 44,350
  • the percentage of all fire and rescue staff from the mixed ethnic group went up from 1.2% to 2.1%
  • the percentage of fire and rescue staff who were white went down from 96.0% to 94.4%
  • the percentage of firefighters from the mixed ethnic group went up from 1.2% to 2.3%
  • the percentage of firefighters who were white went down from 96.5% to 95.0%
  • the percentage of support staff from the mixed ethnic group went up from 0.9% to 1.7% – the percentage for the Asian ethnic group went up from 2.6% to 3.1%

5. By type of role within each ethnic group

Percentage and number of people in each ethnic group in the fire and rescue services, by type of role
Fire Control Firefighters Support Staff
Ethnicity Fire Control % Fire Control Number Firefighters % Firefighters Number Support Staff % Support Staff Number
All 2.6 1,157 78.8 34,960 18.6 8,233
Asian 0.8 4 48.9 231 50.2 237
Black 1.2 8 67.0 451 31.8 214
Mixed 2.4 21 83.0 721 14.6 127
White 2.6 997 79.2 30,271 18.2 6,972
Other including Chinese 0.4 1 73.4 179 26.2 64
Unknown 3.3 126 80.7 3,107 16.1 619

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Summary of Fire and rescue services workforce By type of role within each ethnic group Summary

The data shows that, in 2022:

  • 83.0% of fire and rescue staff from the mixed ethnic group were firefighters, compared with 79.2% of white staff, 73.4% of all staff from the ‘other’ ethnic group, 48.9% of Asian staff and 67.0% of black staff
  • 50.2% of Asian fire and rescue staff were in ‘support staff’ roles, compared with 31.8% of black staff, 18.2% of white staff, 14.6% of staff from the mixed ethnic group, and 26.2% of staff from the ‘other’ ethnic group
  • 2.6% of white fire and rescue staff were in ‘fire control’ roles, compared with 2.4% of staff from the mixed ethnic group, 1.2% of black staff, 0.8% of Asian staff, and 0.4% from the ‘other’ ethnic group

6. By ethnicity and area (firefighters only)

Percentage and number of firefighters from different ethnic groups, by area
Asian Black Mixed White Other - Including Chinese Unknown
geography Asian % of firefighters Asian Number of firefighters Black % of firefighters Black Number of firefighters Mixed % of firefighters Mixed Number of firefighters White % of firefighters White Number of firefighters Other - Including Chinese % of firefighters Other - Including Chinese Number of firefighters Unknown % of firefighters Unknown Number of firefighters
Avon 0.0 0 0.8 5 1.5 9 97.0 583 0.7 4 NA 62
Bedfordshire 0.2 1 1.4 6 3.5 15 94.8 401 0.0 0 NA 14
Berkshire 0.2 1 0.2 1 0.7 3 98.6 431 0.2 1 NA 0
Buckinghamshire 1.1 4 0.5 2 2.5 9 95.6 350 0.3 1 NA 33
Cambridgeshire 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.5 7 98.1 456 0.4 2 NA 18
Cheshire 0.6 4 0.5 3 0.9 6 97.4 626 0.6 4 NA 19
Cleveland 0.2 1 0.2 1 0.7 3 98.6 415 0.2 1 NA 6
Cornwall 0.0 0 0.5 2 1.1 4 98.4 369 0.0 0 NA 204
Cumbria 0.5 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 99.1 429 0.5 2 NA 167
Derbyshire 0.3 2 0.0 0 0.9 6 98.5 668 0.3 2 NA 24
Devon and Somerset 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.7 12 99.1 1,591 0.2 3 NA 71
Dorset and Wiltshire 0.2 2 0.3 3 1.4 13 98.0 909 0.1 1 NA 58
Durham 0.0 0 0.9 4 0.9 4 98.2 435 0.0 0 NA 31
East Sussex 0.4 2 0.2 1 2.8 16 95.4 537 1.2 7 NA 33
England 0.7 231 1.4 451 2.3 721 95.0 30,271 0.6 179 NA 3,107
Essex 0.5 4 0.6 5 1.9 16 96.8 827 0.2 2 NA 313
Gloucestershire 0.6 2 0.6 2 1.8 6 96.7 321 0.3 1 NA 97
Greater London 2.0 87 5.9 261 5.4 239 85.1 3,763 1.7 73 NA 95
Greater Manchester 0.8 10 1.2 15 3.9 48 93.7 1,167 0.4 5 NA 148
Hampshire and Isle of Wight 0.2 2 0.2 2 0.7 9 98.6 1,217 0.3 4 NA 180
Hereford and Worcester 0.2 1 0.2 1 2.2 13 97.5 583 0.0 0 NA 12
Hertfordshire 0.2 1 0.5 3 2.6 17 96.0 626 0.8 5 NA 23
Humberside 0.0 0 0.5 4 0.9 7 98.5 742 0.0 0 NA 13
Isles of Scilly 0.0 0 2.4 1 0.0 0 97.6 41 0.0 0 NA 0
Kent 0.2 2 0.3 3 1.1 11 97.6 953 0.7 7 NA 217
Lancashire 1.5 15 0.2 2 0.9 9 97.1 980 0.3 3 NA 23
Leicestershire 0.7 4 0.7 4 2.8 15 95.0 514 0.7 4 NA 38
Lincolnshire 0.0 0 0.2 1 0.5 3 99.2 615 0.2 1 NA 4
Merseyside 0.3 3 1.0 9 4.0 37 94.0 863 0.7 6 NA 21
Metropolitan fire and rescue authorities 1.5 152 3.5 362 4.3 439 89.6 9,146 1.1 110 NA 393
Non Metropolitan fire and rescue authorities 0.4 79 0.4 89 1.3 282 97.6 21,125 0.3 69 NA 2,714
Norfolk 0.3 2 0.3 2 0.5 3 98.9 653 0.0 0 NA 104
North West Fire Control NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0
North Yorkshire 0.5 3 0.0 0 0.7 4 98.6 565 0.2 1 NA 64
Northamptonshire 0.3 1 1.0 3 1.7 5 96.3 288 0.7 2 NA 157
Northumberland 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.7 1 99.3 143 0.0 0 NA 140
Nottinghamshire 0.5 3 0.9 6 3.1 20 95.3 608 0.2 1 NA 29
Oxfordshire 0.0 0 0.2 1 1.4 7 97.5 503 1.0 5 NA 51
Shropshire 0.3 1 1.1 4 0.3 1 98.3 345 0.0 0 NA 124
South Yorkshire 0.1 1 0.9 6 1.8 12 96.6 655 0.6 4 NA 0
Staffordshire 1.7 11 1.7 11 0.3 2 95.8 610 0.5 3 NA 0
Suffolk 0.2 1 0.2 1 1.9 8 97.6 415 0.0 0 NA 168
Surrey 0.9 5 0.4 2 1.6 9 97.1 545 0.0 0 NA 24
Tyne and Wear 0.5 3 0.2 1 1.7 10 97.1 569 0.5 3 NA 42
Warwickshire 0.6 2 0.6 2 0.6 2 98.3 346 0.0 0 NA 77
West Midlands 2.2 30 4.9 67 5.6 76 86.5 1,174 0.8 11 NA 27
West Sussex 0.0 0 0.2 1 1.4 7 98.0 485 0.4 2 NA 116
West Yorkshire 1.8 18 0.3 3 1.7 17 95.4 955 0.8 8 NA 60

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Summary of Fire and rescue services workforce By ethnicity and area (firefighters only) Summary

The diversity of the population in each area should be considered when looking at these figures. The areas served by each fire and rescue service do not exactly match the geographical areas covered by Census data.

Percentages are based on firefighters whose ethnicity was known. The data shows that, in 2022:

  • West Midlands had the highest percentages of firefighters from the Asian (2.2%) and mixed (5.6%) ethnic groups, and Greater London had the highest percentages from the black (5.9%) and ‘other’ (1.7%) ethnic groups
  • 46.2% of people in London were from Asian, black, mixed and other backgrounds at the time of the 2021 Census
  • Northumberland had the highest percentage of firefighters from the white ethnic group, 99.3%

7. By ethnicity and duty type (firefighters only)

Percentage and number of firefighters by type of duty in each ethnic group
Full-time ('wholetime') firefighters On-call ('retained') firefighters
Ethnicity Full-time ('wholetime') firefighters % Full-time ('wholetime') firefighters Number On-call ('retained') firefighters % On-call ('retained') firefighters Number
All 65.2 22,781 34.8 12,179
Asian 87.4 202 12.6 29
Black 92.0 415 8.0 36
Mixed 87.2 629 12.8 92
White 65.6 19,853 34.4 10,418
Other including Chinese 80.4 144 19.6 35
Unknown 49.5 1,538 50.5 1,569

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Summary of Fire and rescue services workforce By ethnicity and duty type (firefighters only) Summary

On-call firefighters are not based at a fire station. They carry a pager and respond to emergency incidents as and when they happen.

The data shows that, in 2022:

  • 92.0% of black firefighters were full-time, and 8.0% were on-call
  • 87.4% of Asian firefighters were full-time, and 12.6% were on-call
  • 87.2% of firefighters from mixed ethnic backgrounds were full-time, and 12.8% were on-call
  • 65.6% of white firefighters were full-time – the lowest percentage out of all ethnic groups – and 34.4% were on-call
  • 80.4% of firefighters from the ‘other’ ethnic group were full-time, and 19.6% were on-call

8. Data sources


Type of data

Administrative data

Type of statistic

Official statistics


Home Office

Publication frequency


Purpose of data source

Ethnicity and gender data is used by fire and rescue services as part of diversity monitoring schemes.

9. Download the data

Fire and Rescue Service Workforce - Spreadsheet (csv) 187 bytes

This file contains the following: Measure, Ethnicity, Ethnicity_type, Time, Geography, Role, Duty, denominator, count, value